Kara Shallenberg
253 books
Children's Fiction
Mark Twain - Adventures of Tom Sawyer (version 3)
An adventure story for children, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a fun-filled book that shows life along the Mississippi River in the 1840s. Written by Mark Twain, the book shows masterfully-done satire, racism,...
7 hours 30 minutes
Charlotte Mason - Home Education Series Vol. I: Home Education
This is the first volume in the Home Education Series detailing Charlotte Mason's method of education. This volume is subtitled: The Education of Children under Nine Years of Age. The series is used today by many...
11 hours 50 minutes
Animals & Nature
Ella Rodman Church - Among the Trees at Elmridge
«On that bright spring afternoon when three happy, interested children went off to the woods with their governess to take their first lesson in the study of wild flowers, they saw also some other things which made a...
6 hours 39 minutes